LuaVela 0.20 C API Reference

Header Files


#include <ujit/lextlib.h>

Main header file for LuaVela’s extended C API. Please include it to access all functions, data structures and constants documented below.



int luaE_coveragestart(lua_State *L, const char *filename, const char **excludes, size_t num);

Starts platform-level coverage counting for the state L and dumps output into filename. Regexps for excluding files from coverage can be passed with excludesnum corresponds to the number of passed regexps. Returns LUA_COV_SUCCESS on success and LUA_COV_ERROR in case of any error.


int luaE_coveragestart_cb(lua_State *L, lua_Coveragewriter cb, void *context, const char **excludes, size_t num);

Same as luaE_coveragestart, but outputs through provided lua_Coveragewriter callback.


int luaE_coveragestop(lua_State *L)

Stops platform-level coverage counting for the state L. Returns LUA_COV_SUCCESS on success and LUA_COV_ERROR in case of any error.


void luaE_dumpbc(lua_State *L, int idx, FILE *out);

Dumps the byte code of the functional object located at idx to out. If idx is not a functional object, does nothing.


int luaE_dumpstart(const lua_State *L, FILE *out);

Starts dumping JIT compiler’s progress to out. Returns 0 if dumping was started successfully, and a non-0 value otherwise.


int luaE_dumpstop(const lua_State *L);

Stops dumping JIT compiler’s progress. Returns 0 if dumping was started successfully, and a non-0 value otherwise.


void luaE_getdataroot(lua_State *L);

For the regular state L, pushes data state’s data root on top of L’s stack. See also luaE_setdataroot.


void luaE_immutable(lua_State *L, int idx);

Makes an object at idx immutable. See here for details.


int luaE_intinit(int signo);

Global initialization of timer interrupts. Signal with the number signo will be used to deliver interrupts to the process with some pre-defined interval. Returns LUA_INT_SUCCESS on success, LUA_INT_ERR otherwise (e.g. initialization is already performed). This function must be called prior to usage of any facilities provided by the API for coroutine timeouts.


int luaE_intresolvable(const struct timeval *timeout);

Returns a non-0 value if a timeout value has resolution greater than or equal to the one provided by the timer interrupts. Otherwise returns 0.


int luaE_intterm(void);

Global termination of timer interrupts. Termination is performed only if the timer interrupts were initialized. Returns LUA_INT_SUCCESS on success, LUA_INT_ERR otherwise. Facilities provided by the API for coroutine timeouts must not be used after calling this function.


uint64_t luaE_iterate(lua_State *L, int idx, uint64_t iter_state);

Pushes on stack the next key-value pair from the table stored at idx and returns a new value of the internal iterator state for subsequent calls. If the entire table is traversed, does not touch the stack and returns LUA_ITER_END. For the first invocation, iter_state must be set to LUA_ITER_BEGIN. Please note that the calling code must not use iter_state as well as the return value for anything but passing it back to this function.

Usage example:

uint64_t iter = LUA_ITER_BEGIN;
while ((iter = luaE_iterate(L, index, iter)) != LUA_ITER_END) {
    /* Key is located at index -2 (2nd top-most element on the stack) */
    /* Value is located at index -1 (the top-most element on the stack) */
    lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove key-value pair from the stack before the next iteration */


struct lua_Metrics luaE_metrics (lua_State *L);

Returns a structure containing numerous runtime metrics of the state. Please find the definition of struct lua_Metrics in the Types section.


lua_State *luaE_newdataslave(lua_State *datastate);

Creates a new Lua state which uses datastate for accessing the global data feed.


int luaE_profavailable(void);

Returns LUA_PROFILE_SUCCESS if profiling is available and LUA_PROFILE_ERR otherwise.


int luaE_profinit(void);

Global profiler initialization. Returns LUA_PROFILE_SUCCESS on success, LUA_PROFILE_ERR otherwise (e.g. initialization is already performed). This function must be called prior to usage of any other facilities provided by the profiler (except luaE_profavailable).


int luaE_profterm(void);

Global profiler termination. Termination is performed only if the profiler was initialized and is in a non-running state at the time of the call. Returns LUA_PROFILE_SUCCESS on success, LUA_PROFILE_ERR otherwise. No other facilities provided by the profiler must be used after calling this function (except luaE_profavailable and luaE_profinit).


void luaE_seal(lua_State *L, int index);

Recursively seals a value at the given acceptable index. The value must be a table, string, function or function prototype. For the function, its prototype is also sealed. For the table, all keys, values and array slots are also sealed. Attempt to seal a function with upvalues results in an error.


void luaE_setdataroot(lua_State *L, int idx);

For the data state L, sets the table at idx as its data root. See also luaE_getdataroot.


int luaE_settimeout(lua_State *L, const struct timeval *timeout, int restart);

Sets a timeout for the coroutine L. If the restart flag is set to a non-zero value, the new timeout value is applied immediately. Returns LUA_TIMEOUT_SUCCESS on success, and one of LUA_TIMEOUT_ERR* status codes otherwise (see below). If coroutine terminates because of timeout, lua_resume returns LUA_TIMEOUT status. Such coroutines cannot be resumed.


lua_CFunction luaE_settimeoutf(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction timeoutf);

Sets a new function to be called in case of coroutine timeout and returns the old one. If a coroutine terminates because of timeout, the timeout function timeoutf is called in the context of the coroutine before its stack is unwound. Currently a call to timeoutf is not protected. timeoutf can return any fixed number of arguments (i.e. LUA_MULTRET cannot be returned).


void luaE_shallowcopytable(lua_State *L, int idx);

Creates a shallow copy of a table at idx and pushes it on stack. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case an element at idx is not a table.


void luaE_tablekeys(lua_State *L, int idx);

Creates a new table from table at idx with source table keys as values and pushes it on stack. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case an element at idx is not a table. Implementation detail (not guaranteed in future versions): Created table is a sequence.


void luaE_tabletoset(lua_State *L, int idx);

Creates a new table from table at idx with source table values as keys and values set to true and pushes it on stack. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case an element at idx is not a table.


void luaE_tablevalues(lua_State *L, int idx);

Creates a new table from table at idx with source table values as values and pushes it on stack. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case an element at idx is not a table. Implementation detail (not guaranteed in future versions): Created table is a sequence.


size_t luaE_totalmem(void);

Returns a total number of bytes requested by LuaVela’s allocator from operating system.


int luaE_usesfenv(lua_State *L, int idx);

Checks if a function at idx uses its environment. Following logic applies:

  • For regular Lua functions, returns a non-zero value if the function meets at least one of following conditions (and 0 otherwise):
    • It references at least one global variable.
    • It references at least one upvalue.
  • For built-in functions, always returns 0.
  • For registered C functions, always returns a non-zero value.


const char *luaE_verstring(void);

Returns a string describing current LuaVela version.


int luaopen_bit(lua_State *L);

Opens the bit library, an extension to the Lua standard libraries. This function is called by luaL_openlibs as well, so no need to call it explicitly if you use luaL_openlibs.


int luaopen_ffi(lua_State *L);

Opens the ffi library, an extension to the Lua standard libraries. This function is called by luaL_openlibs as well, so no need to call it explicitly if you use luaL_openlibs.


int luaopen_jit(lua_State *L);

Opens the jit library, an extension to the Lua standard libraries. This function is called by luaL_openlibs as well, so no need to call it explicitly if you use luaL_openlibs.


int luaopen_ujit(lua_State *L);

Opens the ujit library, an extension to the Lua standard libraries. This function is called by luaL_openlibs as well, so no need to call it explicitly if you use luaL_openlibs.



typedef void (*lua_Coveragewriter) (void *context, const char *lineinfo, size_t size);

Callback for streaming line information in platform-level coverage counting. Should accept three arguments: pointer to callback-specific context, const char pointer to coverage lineinfo message and size of the message.


struct _Metrics {
    size_t strnum;
    size_t tabnum;
    size_t strhash_hit;

    size_t strhash_miss;

    size_t udatanum;
    size_t gc_total;
    size_t gc_sealed;
    size_t gc_freed;
    size_t gc_allocated;
    size_t gc_steps_pause;
    size_t gc_steps_propagate;
    size_t gc_steps_atomic;
    size_t gc_steps_sweepstring;
    size_t gc_steps_sweep;
    size_t gc_steps_finalize;
    size_t jit_snap_restore;

    size_t jit_mcode_size;

    unsigned int jit_trace_num;

Various runtime metrics.

Extended Thread Statuses


Returned by lua_resume in case of coroutine timeout.



Name of the bit library: "bit".


Generic error code for platform-level coverage counting.


Generic success code for platform-level coverage counting.


Name of the ffi library: "ffi".


Generic error code for timer interrupts.


Generic success code for timer interrupts.


Initial iterator state for luaE_iterate, should be passed on the first call to the function.


Final iterator state for luaE_iterate, returned when table traversal is finished.


Name of the jit library: "ujit".


Generic error code for profiler’s interfaces.


I/O error occurred during profiling.


Memory error occurred during profiling.


Generic success code for profiler’s interfaces.


Coroutine is in a non-runnable state at the time of the call to luaE_settimeout. For example, you try to set a timeout for a coroutine which was resumed and threw error during execution.


Malformed const struct timeval *timeout was passed to luaE_settimeout. Currently following values are considered malformed:

  • NULL
  • non-NULL pointer pointing to a struct with at least one member with a negative value


Coroutine is inside a Lua hook callback at the time of the call to luaE_settimeout.


Attempt to set a timeout for the main coroutine of the Lua VM.


Timer interrupts were not initialized prior to call to luaE_settimeout. See also luaE_intinit.


Attempt to set a timeout for a coroutine which is in a running state and already has a timeout, which is prohibited by default. To allow this behavior, set the restart flag of luaE_settimeout to a non-0 value.


Generic success code for timeout-related interfaces.


Name of the ujit library: "ujit".