Frequently Asked Questions

What does “Vela” in LuaVela mean?

It is Vela constellation.

What does uJIT mean in the docs and the core code base?

This is an internal name of the project in IPONWEB. Unfortunately, we could not simply strip it off prior to the public release, so apologies for possible confusion. LuaVela is the preferred public name of the project, uJIT is something like an internal “code name”.

What is the level of compatibility with Lua 5.1?

The same as for LuaJIT 2.0. But we wish we could make the implementation closer to the PUC-Rio implementation.

Why not LuaJIT 2.1 + LJ_GC64?

As far as we know, this solution got stabilized by 2016-2017. Alas, we needed something working earlier. Besides, some experiments we ran in 2015 with LuaJIT 2.1 showed performance degradation for our cases.

What about adding support for Lua 5.2+?

Unfortunately, we do not have resources to implement it on our own. However, patches are welcome. We definitely do not plan to increase the compatibility gap with the PUC-Rio implementation. E.g. dropping support for C API or any initiative like this is not an option for the project.

Why have you killed support for ARM?

Because we did not have enough resources to provide an adequate level of testing and support for other OSes and platforms than Linux x86-64.

What about re-enabling support for other OSes and other platforms?

We doubt that 32-bit platforms will be supported. Regarding other operating systems, we do not have resources to implement it on our own. However, patches are welcome.