gdb Plugin for Debugging

LuaVela provides gdb plugin for better visualization of LuaVela’s data structures to simplify debugging.

Installation and usage

Just run the following script in gdb:

(gdb) source /path/to/ujit/gdb/

Note that this should be done on each run of gdb. If you don’t want to do this every time, add the line above to ~/.gdbinit.

Available commands


Information about command usage can be obtained in gdb by calling help func i.e. help uj-stack.

uj-stack[-vm] L

Dumps Lua stack of the given coroutine L.

(gdb) uj-stack 0x7ffff7fd8378
[WARNING] Bad VM state: INTERP, must be CFUNC or LFUNC
0x7ffff7fe8e70:0x7ffff7fe8e30 [    ] 5 slots: Red zone
0x7ffff7fe8e20                [   M]
0x7ffff7fe8e10:0x7ffff7fe8b80 [    ] 42 slots: Free stack slots
0x7ffff7fe8b70                [  T ]
0x7ffff7fe8b60                [    ] VALUE: fast function 19
0x7ffff7fe8b50                [ B  ] VALUE: nil
0x7ffff7fe8b40                [    ] FRAME: [L] delta=5, fast function 2
0x7ffff7fe8b30                [    ] VALUE: string: 0x7ffff7fda590 "Hello, here is my string"
0x7ffff7fe8b20                [    ] VALUE: table 0x7ffff7feb8e8
0x7ffff7fe8b10                [    ] VALUE: thread 0x7ffff7fd9cf8
0x7ffff7fe8b00                [    ] VALUE: table 0x7ffff7fd9ca8
0x7ffff7fe8af0                [    ] FRAME: [L] delta=3, Lua function 0x7ffff7fe58f0, upvalues 1, 0x7ffff7fda4d8 "@/home/ibondarev/calls.lua":1
0x7ffff7fe8ae0                [    ] VALUE: number: 141

Output is similar to uj_dump_stack function from LuaVela.

If execution is stopped inside the VM (e.g. break point was set on lj_BC_CALL), call uj-stack-vm instead (since v0.21).

uj-bc (since v0.22)

Dumps byte codes and corresponding source code of a currently executing frame. Highlights the byte code which is about to execute with “->”.

Looks up L in current frame and uses it as a lua_State* if stopped in non-VM frame. If there’s no L in current frame, specify it explicitly as in uj-stack command.

Breakpoint 1, 0x000055555563f996 in lj_BC_CALL ()
(gdb) uj-bc
-- BYTECODE -- /home/jsmith/script.lua:0-15
9    end
    0001    FNEW     0   0      ; /home/jsmith/script.lua:1
11    local str = string.reverse("hello")
    0002    GGET     1   1      ; "string"
    0003    TGETS    1   1   2  ; "reverse"
    0004    KSTR     2   3      ; "hello"
-> 0005    CALL     1   2   2
12    local x = ujit.table.size({ 1, 2, nil, 3})
    0006    GGET     2   4      ; "ujit"
    0007    TGETS    2   2   5  ; "table"
    0008    TGETS    2   2   6  ; "size"
    0009    TDUP     3   7
    0010    CALL     2   2   2
13    print(test(x))

Note that in contrast to uj-stack, there’s no separate command if you want to dump byte codes when execution stopped inside the VM.

uj-tv addr

(gdb) uj-tv L->base - 2
string: 0x7ffff7fda590 "Hello, here is my string"

uj-tab addr

Dumps the contents of the GCtab at addr.

(gdb) uj-tab 0x7ffff7fd9ca8
Array part:
[0] nil
[1] number: 11
[2] string: 0x7ffff7fda590 "Hello, here is my string"
[3] false
[4] true
[5] Lua function 0x7ffff7fec458, upvalues 0, 0x7ffff7fda4d8 "@/home/johnsmith/calls.lua":17
[6] userdata 0x7ffff7fdf6f0
[7] thread 0x7ffff7fd9cf8
[8] table 0x7ffff7fec400
[9] true
[10] nil
[11] cdata 0x7ffff7fe7bc8
[12] nil
[13] nil
[14] nil
[15] nil
[16] nil
Hash part:
{ false } => { Lua function 0x7ffff7fec648, upvalues 0, 0x7ffff7fda4d8 "@/home/jsmith/calls.lua":28 } next = 0x0
{ table 0x7ffff7fec5f8 } => { number: 11 } next = 0x7ffff7fecac8
{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0
{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0
{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0
{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0
{ Lua function 0x7ffff7fec6a0, upvalues 0, 0x7ffff7fda4d8 "@/home/jsmith/calls.lua":25 } => { string: 0x7ffff7fe5818 "str" } next = 0x0
{ string: 0x7ffff7fe5d40 "3" } => { false } next = 0x0
{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0
{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0
{ string: 0x7ffff7fe6458 "key1" } => { table 0x7ffff7fec6d0 } next = 0x0
{ thread 0x7ffff7fd9cf8 } => { true } next = 0x0
{ string: 0x7ffff7fe6480 "9" } => { true } next = 0x0
{ true } => { userdata 0x7ffff7fdf6f0 } next = 0x7ffff7feca50
{ userdata 0x7ffff7fdf6f0 } => { thread 0x7ffff7fd9cf8 } next = 0x7ffff7fecaa0
{ string: 0x7ffff7fe64a8 "11" } => { number: 15 } next = 0x0

{ nil } => { nil } next = 0x0 lines indicate unused slots in a hash part of a table and should be ignored.

uj-str addr

(gdb) uj-str ((TValue *)0x7ffff7fe8b30)->gcr
string: 0x7ffff7fda590 "Hello, here is my string"

uj-global-state L

Shows current VM state.

(gdb) uj-global-state L
VM state: INTERP
GC state: PAUSE

uj-tab-collisions addr

Dumps all collided keys followed by list of node indexes of the GCtab at addr. The last line contains the number of colliding keys.

load-trace-dwarf addr

Tries to demangle a code pointed to by addr into a symbol corresponding to a trace. Relies on the __jit_debug_descriptor symbol and other GDB APIs for registering symbols for dynamically emitted machine code.

If addr is omitted, %rip is used.