Unified Layout for Test Suites


This document is under active development. It might and probably will change substantially in the future.



Top-Level Layout

All test suites follow into one of following categories:

  • tests/lang: Implementation-independent suites for general compliance testing;
  • tests/impl: Implementation-dependent suites for either targeted testing of features provided by the given implementation or cross-validation one implementation with tests from another implementation;
  • tests/perf: Performance benchmarks.

Layout for a Suite

Main Layout

Path Description
$suite_na me/CMakeLis ts.txt Required. CMake file for the suite.
$suite_na me/Sources. cmake

Required. A file that explicitly manifests all files from the suite. Should be used for building correct target dependencies.

NB! Do not use globbing in the manifest. TODO: Explain why.

$suite_na me/suite Required. Directory that contains the suite per se. If the suite was fetched from a VCS repository, the copy must be cleaned from all VCS metadata (.git / .hg / .svn directories, etc.).
$suite_na me/run_test s.sh

Required. A Bash script that actually launches the suite incorporating all possible tweaks for running it. Requirements:

  • Upon success, must touch an OK file (see below) and exit 0;
  • Upon failure, must exit 1;
  • Must be runnable manually: cd $suite_name && ./run_tests.sh
$suite_na me/README.m d

Required. This file must include at least:

  • Information about the origin of the suite (e.g. repo address, and the fetched commit);
  • All copyright notices;
$suite_na me/diff


Ideally, all external suites must be taken as is. If they require patching for some reason, all patches must be kept separately and then applied on the fly.

However, for the first release let’s patch in place marking all patched places with comments that start with UJIT: prefix:

  • -- UJIT: Lua
  • # UJIT: Perl, Python
  • /* UJIT: ... */ C
  • etc.

Environment Variables

Following environment variables must defined and used by the suite launcher. If any variable from the list is not defined at the launch of run_tests.sh, some pre-agreed default must be used.

Variable Description

The root directory of the entire suite.

Example: $SUITE_DIR/suite is a path to the tests themselves.

SUITE_OUT_DIR Directory for storing artefacts produced by the suite.

The following environment variables must be set and used when running tests implemented in Lua:

Variable Description

Path to the Lua implementation binary being tested.

Note. This variable replaces an earlier introduced ad hoc UJIT_BIN variable.

LUA_IMPL_OPT Raw string of command line options to be passed directly to the binary specified in LUA_IMPL_BIN.

Dynamically Produced Artefacts

Path Description
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/suite_bin Optional. Directory where executables or libraries used in a suite are built. Note: ${SUITE_OUT_DIR} shouldn’t be used here, because it’s removed after each test run and there’s no need to rebuilt executables/libraries each time.
${SUITE_OUT_DIR}/run_tests.ok Required. An “OK file” that should be touch’ed if the suite runs successfully. Should be used in the corresponding CMakeLists.txt for building correct target dependencies.