Deterministic Hotcounting


HOTCNT will use down-counting mechanism.

By default LuaVela decreases counter by 2 for loops and by 1 for functions. New implementation will decrease 1 for loops and functions, but multiply source counter by 2 for functions.

If compiler blacklists or compiles bytecode, HOTCNT will continue to count calls, but it doesn’t affect anything.

HOTCNT instruction:

  • 8 bits - opcode.
  • 8 bits - internal flags.
  • 16 bits - counter.

Affected bytecodes

  • Loops

    • FORL

      Lua code example:

      local a = 0
      for i = 1, 10 do
          a = a + 1
      -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-8
      0001    KSHORT   0   0
      0002    KSHORT   1   1
      0003    KSHORT   2  10
      0004    KSHORT   3   1
      0005    FORI     1 => 0009
      0006    KSHORT   5   1
      0007    ADD      0   0   5
      0008    FORL     1 => 0006
      0009    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
      0010    MOV      2   0
      0011    CALL     1   1   2
      0012    RET0     0   1
      -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-8
      0001    KSHORT   0   0
      0002    KSHORT   1   1
      0003    KSHORT   2  10
      0004    KSHORT   3   1
      0005    FORI     1 => 0010
      0006    KSHORT   5   1
      0007    ADD      0   0   5
      0008    HCNT
      0009    FORL     1 => 0006
      0010    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
      0011    MOV      2   0
      0012    CALL     1   1   2
      0013    RET0     0   1
    • LOOP

      Emitted in 3 cases:

      • goto

        local a = 0
        a = a + 1
        if (a > 10) then
            goto lable2
        goto lable1
        -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-13
        0001    KSHORT   0   0
        0002    KSHORT   1   1
        0003    ADD      0   0   1
        0004    KSHORT   1  10
        0005    ISGE     1   0
        0006    JMP      1 => 0008
        0007    JMP      1 => 0010
        0008    LOOP     1 => 0008
        0009    JMP      1 => 0002
        0010    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
        0011    MOV      2   0
        0012    CALL     1   1   2
        0013    RET0     0   1
        -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-13
        0001    KSHORT   0   0
        0002    KSHORT   1   1
        0003    ADD      0   0   1
        0004    KSHORT   1  10
        0005    ISGE     1   0
        0006    JMP      1 => 0008
        0007    JMP      1 => 0011
        0008    HCNT
        0009    LOOP     1 => 0009
        0010    JMP      1 => 0002
        0011    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
        0012    MOV      2   0
        0013    CALL     1   1   2
        0014    RET0     0   1
      • while

        local a = 0
        while (a < 10) do
            a = a + 1
        -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-8
        0001    KSHORT   0   0
        0002    KSHORT   1  10
        0003    ISGE     0   1
        0004    JMP      1 => 0009
        0005    LOOP     1 => 0009
        0006    KSHORT   1   1
        0007    ADD      0   0   1
        0008    JMP      1 => 0002
        0009    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
        0010    MOV      2   0
        0011    CALL     1   1   2
        0012    RET0     0   1
        -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-8
        0001    KSHORT   0   0
        0002    KSHORT   1  10
        0003    ISGE     0   1
        0004    JMP      1 => 0010
        0005    HCNT
        0006    LOOP     1 => 0010
        0007    KSHORT   1   1
        0008    ADD      0   0   1
        0009    JMP      1 => 0002
        0010    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
        0011    MOV      2   0
        0012    CALL     1   1   2
        0013    RET0     0   1
      • repeat

        local a = 0
            a = a + 1
        until a > 10
        -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-8
        0001    KSHORT   0   0
        0002    LOOP     1 => 0008
        0003    KSHORT   1   1
        0004    ADD      0   0   1
        0005    KSHORT   1  10
        0006    ISGE     1   0
        0007    JMP      1 => 0002
        0008    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
        0009    MOV      2   0
        0010    CALL     1   1   2
        0011    RET0     0   1
        -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-8
        0001    KSHORT   0   0
        0002    HCNT
        0003    LOOP     1 => 0009
        0004    KSHORT   1   1
        0005    ADD      0   0   1
        0006    KSHORT   1  10
        0007    ISGE     1   0
        0008    JMP      1 => 0002
        0009    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
        0010    MOV      2   0
        0011    CALL     1   1   2
        0012    RET0     0   1
    • ITERL

    Is emitted immediately after ITERC or ITERN instructions. Adding HOTCNT between ITERN and ITERL will produce a core dump. But it’s possible to add HOTCNT before ITERN/ITERC:

    local a = {5, 5, 5, 5, 5}
    local sum = 0
    for k, v in ipairs(a) do
        sum = sum + v
    -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-9
    0001    TDUP     0   0
    0002    KSHORT   1   0
    0003    GGET     2   1      ; "ipairs"
    0004    MOV      3   0
    0005    CALL     2   4   2
    0006    JMP      5 => 0008
    0007    ADD      1   1   6
    0008    ITERC    5   3   3
    0009    ITERL    5 => 0007
    0010    GGET     2   2      ; "print"
    0011    MOV      3   1
    0012    CALL     2   1   2
    0013    RET0     0   1
    -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-9
    0001    TDUP     0   0
    0002    KSHORT   1   0
    0003    GGET     2   1      ; "ipairs"
    0004    MOV      3   0
    0005    CALL     2   4   2
    0006    JMP      5 => 0009
    0007    ADD      1   1   6
    0008    HCNT
    0009    ITERC    5   3   3
    0010    ITERL    5 => 0007
    0011    GGET     2   2      ; "print"
    0012    MOV      3   1
    0013    CALL     2   1   2
    0014    RET0     0   1


    Emitted immediately before ITERC or ITERN instructions. Adding HOTCNT between ITERN and ITERL will produce a core dump. But it’s possible to add HOTCNT before ITERN/ITERC.

    HOTCNT will be executed after ITERL.

  • Function headers

    • FUNCF

      function foo(a)
      -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:1-3
      0001    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
      0002    MOV      2   0
      0003    CALL     1   1   2
      0004    RET0     0   1
      -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-6
      0001    FNEW     0   0      ; /home/user/tmp.lua:1
      0002    GSET     0   1      ; "foo"
      0003    GGET     0   1      ; "foo"
      0004    KSHORT   1   1
      0005    CALL     0   1   2
      0006    RET0     0   1
      -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:1-3
      0001    HCNT
      0002    GGET     1   0      ; "print"
      0003    MOV      2   0
      0004    CALL     1   1   2
      0005    RET0     0   1
      -- BYTECODE -- /home/user/tmp.lua:0-6
      0001    FNEW     0   0      ; /home/user/tmp.lua:1
      0002    GSET     0   1      ; "foo"
      0003    GGET     0   1      ; "foo"
      0004    KSHORT   1   1
      0005    CALL     0   1   2
      0006    RET0     0   1


Seems that is hard to emit HOTCNT before FUNCF since a lot of LuaVela mechanics depends on FUNCF is a first instruction (will be fixed in future).

Default value of HOTCNT’s counter after FUCNF needs to be decreased by 2, because HOTCNT executes after FUNCF and need one more iteration to start recording.

Affected interfaces

  • string.dump Original implementation saves bytecode as is. So HOTCNT has different values each time. To avoid it let’s write 0 to the HOTCNT’s counter and flags in the dump without changing original instruction.
  • string.load Find HOTCNT and set flags and counter to some default values.
  • jit.opt.start We need a new mechanism to work with hotcounters after removing hotcount table. Let’s iterate over all GC objects, find GCproto and patch it.


  • Late binding issue

    Not affected.

  • Comparison of the dumped and original bytecode

    Seems that is not impossible to compare bytecodes:

    local function foo()
      local t = {}
      for i = 1,100 do t[i] = i end
      for a, b in ipairs(t) do end
      local m = 0
      while m < 100 do m = m + 1 end
    local d1 = string.dump(foo)
    assert(string.dump(foo) == d1) -- fail
  • Hotcounting and hooks

    Since we added new bytecode (before FORL), total number of executed instructions differs from the reference value.

    local a = 0
    debug.sethook(function (e) a = a + 1 end, "", 1)
    a = 0; for i = 1,1000 do end; assert(1000 < a and a < 1012)
    debug.sethook(function (e) a = a + 1 end, "", 4)
    a = 0; for i = 1,1000 do end; assert(250 < a and a < 255)

    HOTCNT is ignored by instruction hooks.

  • First line

    HOTCNT as a part of prologue.

    Status: fixed?