.. _ujit-023: |PROJECT| 0.23 Lua API Reference ================================ .. contents:: :local: Functions --------- ``ujit.getmetrics`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local metrics = ujit.getmetrics() Returns a table with the current values of |PROJECT|-specific metrics. The table has following keys: ==================== ================================================================================================ Key Description ==================== ================================================================================================ strnum Current number of ``string`` objects. tabnum Current number of ``table`` objects. udatanum Current number of ``userdata`` objects. gc_total Current number of bytes used by non-sealed objects and all strings (both sealed and non-sealed). gc_sealed Current number of sealed objects excluding strings. gc_freed Number of freed bytes since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_allocated Number of allocated bytes since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_steps_pause Number of GC's ``pause`` phases since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_steps_propagate Number of GC's ``propagate`` phases since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_steps_atomic Number of GC's ``atomic`` phases since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_steps_sweepstring Number of GC's ``sweepstring`` phases since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_steps_sweep Number of GC's ``sweep`` phases since the last retrieval of metrics. gc_steps_finalize Number of GC's ``finalize`` phases since the last retrieval of metrics. jit_snap_restore Number of snapshot restorations since the last retrieval of metrics. strhash_hit Number of hits to the internal string storage since the last retrieval of metrics. strhash_miss Number of misses to the internal string storage since the last retrieval of metrics. ==================== ================================================================================================ ``ujit.immutable`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local value = ujit.immutable(value) Makes an object immutable and returns a reference to it for convenience. See :ref:`here ` for more details. ``ujit.seal`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua ujit.seal(obj) Recursively seals ``obj``. Throws a run-time error if sealing could not be finalized. In case of any errors, the state of ``obj`` is guaranteed to be the same as it was prior to the call to this interface. See :ref:`here ` for more details. ``ujit.usesfenv`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: lua local uses_fenv = ujit.usesfenv(func) Checks if a function ``func`` uses its environment. Following logic applies: - For regular Lua functions, returns ``true`` if the function meets at least one of following conditions (and ``false`` otherwise): - It references at least one global variable. - It references at least one upvalue. - For built-in functions, always returns ``false``. - For registered C functions, always returns ``true``. Modules ------- ujit.coverage ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``start`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local started = ujit.coverage.start(filename[, excludes]) Starts platform-level coverage counting and streams output to ``filename``. ``excludes`` array with regexps can be optionally passed to exclude filenames from coverage output. Returns ``true`` on success and ``false`` on any error. ``stop`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.coverage.stop() Stops platform-level coverage counting. Does nothing if coverage was not enabled. Does not have a return value. ``pause`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.coverage.pause() Pauses streaming of coverage counting output into file. Does nothing if coverage was not enabled or was already paused. Does not have a return value. ``unpause`` """"""""""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.coverage.unpauses() Unpauses streaming of coverage counting output info file. Does nothing if coverage was not enabled or was already unpaused. Does not have a return value. ujit.debug ^^^^^^^^^^ ``gettableinfo`` """""""""""""""" .. code-block:: lua local info = ujit.debug.gettableinfo(table) Returns a table ``info`` containing internal characteristics of table. ``info`` provides following fields: ========= =============================================================================== Field Description ========= =============================================================================== acapacity Capacity of the array part of table asize Number of elements stored in the array part of table hcapacity Capacity of the hash part of table hmaxchain Length of the longest chain in the hash part of table hgchains Number of chains in the hash part of table (1-element chains are included, too) hsize Number of elements stored in the hash part of table ========= =============================================================================== ujit.dump ^^^^^^^^^ ``bc`` """"""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.dump.bc(io_object, func) Dumps bytecode of the function ``func`` to ``io_object``. Throws an error if ``io_object`` is not of appropriate type or if ``func`` is not a function. Does not have a return value. ``bcins`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local dumped = ujit.dump.bcins(io_object, func, pc[, nest_level]) Dumps ``pc``-th bytecode of the function ``func`` to ``io_object``. ``pc`` is 0-based. If ``nest_level`` is specified, prepends the output with corresponding indentation. Throws an error if ``io_object`` is not of appropriate type or if ``func`` is not a function. Returns ``true`` if data was dumped, and ``false`` otherwise. ``mcode`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.dump.mcode(io_object, trace_no) Dumps machine code for the trace ``trace_no`` to ``io_object``. Throws an error if ``io_object`` is not of appropriate type. Does not have a return value. ``stack`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.dump.stack(io_object) Dumps the Lua stack of currently executed coroutine to ``io_object``. If any error occurs, dumps nothing. Never throws a run-time error. ``start`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local started, fname_real = ujit.dump.start([fname_stub]) Starts dumping the progress of the JIT compiler to ``fname_stub`` suffixed with some random extension. ``started`` is set to ``true`` if dumping was started, and ``false`` otherwise. The resulting dump file name is returned to ``fname_real`` if dumping was actually started. If ``fname_stub`` is omitted or passed as ``"-"``, dumping is started to standard output, and ``fname_real`` is set to ``"-"``, too. ``stop`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua local stopped = ujit.dump.stop() Stops dumping the progress of the JIT compiler. Returns true if stop was successful, and false otherwise. ``trace`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua ujit.dump.trace(io_object, trace_no) Dumps IR for the trace ``trace_no`` to ``io_object``. Throws an error if ``io_object`` is not of appropriate type. Does not have a return value. ujit.math ^^^^^^^^^ All functions in this module treat arguments as standard Lua's ``math`` functions: - All extra arguments are ignored. - For the first argument, all non-number values except coercible strings throw. - Coercible strings are coerced to numbers and corresponding conversion results are processed regularly. Strings "nan", "infinity", "inf", "+inf", "-inf" (all case-insensitive) are **coercible**. - Non-coercible strings throw. ``isfinite`` """""""""""" .. code-block:: lua local isfinite_x = ujit.math.isfinite(42) -- true local isfinite_y = ujit.math.isfinite(math.huge) -- false Returns ``false``  if number is NaN, negative or positive infinity. Returns ``true``  otherwise. ``isinf`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local isinf_x = ujit.math.isinf(42) -- false local isinf_y = ujit.math.isinf(math.huge) -- true local isinf _z= ujit.math.isinf(-math.huge) -- true Returns ``true``  if number is positive or negative infinity and ``false``  otherwise. ``isnan`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local isnan_x = ujit.math.isnan(42) -- false local isnan_y = ujit.math.isnan(math.huge) -- false local isnan_z = ujit.math.isnan(ujit.math.nan) -- true local isnan_z2 = ujit.math.isnan(0 / 0) -- true Returns ``true``  is number is NaN and ``false``  otherwise. ``isninf`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local isninf_x = ujit.math.isninf(42) -- false local isninf_y = ujit.math.isninf(math.huge) -- false local isninf_z = ujit.math.isninf(-math.huge) -- true Returns ``true``  if number is negative infinity and ``false`` otherwise. ``ispinf`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local ispinf_x = ujit.math.ispinf(42) -- false local ispinf_y = ujit.math.ispinf(math.huge) -- true local ispinf_z = ujit.math.ispinf(-math.huge) -- false Returns ``true`` if number is negative infinity and ``false`` otherwise. ``nan`` """"""" .. code-block:: lua assert(ujit.math.isnan(ujit.math.nan)) assert(ujit.math.nan ~= ujit.math.nan) -- NaN is not equal to itself or any other number A constant for representing IEEE 754 NaN. ujit.memprof ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``start`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local started, fname_real = ujit.memprof.start(interval, fname_stub) Starts memory profiling for ``interval`` seconds. If ``interval`` is 0, profiling runs until ``ujit.memprof.stop`` is called. Data is being streamed to ``fname_stub`` suffixed with some random extension. ``started`` is set to ``true`` if profiling was started, and ``false`` otherwise. Upon successful start, the resulting full profile file name is returned in ``fname_real``. ``stop`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua local stopped = ujit.memprof.stop() Stops memory profiling started by ``ujit.memprof.start``. Returns ``true`` on success and ``false`` otherwise. ujit.profile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``available`` """"""""""""" .. code-block:: lua local available = ujit.profile.available() Returns true if |PROJECT|-level profiler is available, and false otherwise. ``init`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua local initialized = ujit.profile.init() Returns ``true`` if |PROJECT|-level profiler was successfully initialized, and ``false`` otherwise. Profiler cannot be used prior to initialization. ``start`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local started, fname_real = ujit.profile.start(interval, mode[, fname_stub]) Starts profiling in mode with sampling interval (expressed in microseconds). Depending on the mode, may stream profile data to fname_stub suffixed with some random extension. started is set to true if profiling was started, and false otherwise. The resulting full profile file name is returned in fname_real if applicable (see below). Supported values for mode are: =============== ============================================================================================================================================= Value Description =============== ============================================================================================================================================= ``"default"`` Collects only lightweight in-memory per-VM state profile. ``fname_stub`` is ignored, ``fname_real`` is always set to ``nil``. ``"leaf"`` Collects leaf profile. ``fname_stub`` must be specified. If profiling was started, the profile will be streamed to ``fname_real``. ``"callgraph"`` Collects full call-graph profile. ``fname_stub`` must be specified. If profiling was started, the profile will be streamed to ``fname_real``. =============== ============================================================================================================================================= ``stop`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua local counters[, err_reason] = ujit.profile.stop() On success, stops profiling and returns a table with in-memory VM counters. On failure, returns ``nil`` as the first argument and an error reason string as the second argument. ``terminate`` """"""""""""" .. code-block:: lua local terminated = ujit.profile.terminate() Returns ``true`` if |PROJECT|-level profiler was successfully terminated, and ``false`` otherwise. Profiler cannot be used after termination. ujit.string ^^^^^^^^^^^ ``trim`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua local s = ujit.string.trim(" \t\n hello \r\n") -- "hello" Removes whitespace from both ends of the string. ``split`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local t = {} for token in ujit.string.split("a,b,c", ",") do table.insert(t) end -- t == { "a", "b", "c" } Returns an iterator that can be used in ``for`` loops. The separator should be non-empty plain text string (characters like ``\n`` and ``\0`` are supported for separators). Treats consecutive separators as if they have empty token between them, for example: .. code-block:: lua local t = {} for token in ujit.string.split("a,,c", ",") do table.insert(t, token) end -- t == { "a", "", "c" } Separators at the beginning/end of the string are treated as if there was an empty token in the beginning/end of the string, for example: .. code-block:: lua local t = {} for token in ujit.string.split(",a,,c,", ",") do table.insert(t, token) end -- t == { "", "a", "", "c", "" } ujit.table ^^^^^^^^^^^ ``keys`` """""""" .. code-block:: lua local new_table = ujit.table.keys(table) Returns a new table with source ``table`` keys as values. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case the argument is not a table. Implementation detail (not guaranteed in future versions): Returned table is a sequence. ``rindex`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local table = {x = {y = {z = "foo"}}} local value1 = ujit.table.rindex(table, "x", "y", "z") -- foo local value2 = ujit.table.rindex(table, "x", "A", "z") -- nil Indexes ``table`` "recursively". If the look up fails at some point, returns ``nil`` without raising an error. Respects metamethods. ``shallowcopy`` """"""""""""""" .. code-block:: lua local new_table = ujit.table.shallowcopy(table) Returns a shallow copy of ``table``. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case the argument is not a table. ``size`` """"""""" .. code-block:: lua local table = {1, 2, nil, 3, key = "value" } print(ujit.table.size(t)) -- 4 Returns number of non-nil elements in a table (both array and hash part). ``toset`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local new_table = ujit.table.toset(table) Returns a new table with source ``table`` values as keys and values set to ``true``. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case the argument is not a table.  ``values`` """""""""" .. code-block:: lua local new_table = ujit.table.values(table) Returns a new table with source ``table`` values as values. Metatable of the table is not copied. Throws a runtime error in case the argument is not a table. Implementation detail (not guaranteed in future versions): Returned table is a sequence.